How to assess the natural ventilation of buildings in urban areas using CFD software?
From assessing natural ventilation and air exchange rate potential to optimizing the
placement of openings, this webinar covers all aspects of natural ventilation assessment.

Assessment of natural ventilation in urban area with numerical tools

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Agenda of the webinar

  1. Pressure field on buildings and potential of natural air ventilation
  2. Assessment of air exchange rate through openings
  3. How to use the pressure field computation to optimize the openings position?
  4. UrbaWind: a CFD tool dedicated to natural ventilation assessment
  5. Q&A session

Why is it important to use natural ventilation in buildings design?

Integrating natural ventilation into buildings is essential to create healthier and more sustainable living and working environments.

It has many advantages over air conditioning.  First of all, air conditioning emits greenhouse gases, while natural ventilation only requires wind to be efficient, thus improving the sustainability of the building and saving energy.
Natural ventilation also removes air pollutants and odors from indoor air, protects buildings from humidity and mold, and reduces respiratory illnesses and allergies.
Finally, in addition to being affordable to install, this type of ventilation is completely silent and aesthetically discreet, unlike air conditioners.

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the webinar replay


Guillaume Caniot

Expert engineer in CFD and urban climatology with more than 10 years of experience, Guillaume is a specialist of wind impact at the micro-scale level for urban environments (wind comfort, natural ventilation, etc.).

Guillaume Vervout

Guillaume is the Business Manager of the Urban product line at Meteodyn. With a degree in engineering, he has worked in many fields and builds on his previous experience to improve solutions for customers.

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