

Coastal areas, although ideal for wind farms, have regional climatic effects that can significantly affect the wind resource assessment (WRA). Choosing the right WRA methodology is therefore essential. In this case study, a coastal site with five meteorological masts was analysed using the CFD, the Meso-Microscale Coupling (MMC) CFD and the Multi-Meso CFD methodologies. The results confirm that the choice of methodology should take into account the site-specific climate and topography conditions, and that MMC is the most accurate method for coastal sites. You can download the poster with our methodology and results using the form below.

Coastal regions offer an ideal environment for wind farms due to the consistent and strong winds that blow in from the sea. Coastal wind farms can achieve high energy yield because the sea breeze tends to be more consistent and stronger than inland winds, resulting in increased efficiency and a more reliable power supply. The expansive open spaces and proximity to populated areas make these locations attractive for the development of wind energy projects, leading to a growing trend in the construction of wind farms along coastal areas.

To study wind flow in coastal regions, impacts from both microscale topography and regional climate conditions should be considered. These effects are coupled between them and can be correctly reproduced only with an appropriately designed model chain covering both microscale and mesoscale phenomena.
More about the authors

PhD, Senior Research Engineer

Dr LI is a Senior Research Engineer and CFD Expert at Meteodyn since 2014. She works in the research area of thermal stability layer simulation, advanced wind modeling and uncertainty of remote sensing devices.

PhD, Senior Wind Expert

Dr LEONARD has worked in the wind industry for more than 10 years. He is currently a Senior Wind Expert at Meteodyn, working on research, consultancy and expertise, and improving the Meteodyn WT software.

PhD, Director of Research, Innovation, Service & Expertise

Dr TROMEUR has more than 17 years of experience in mesoscale meteorology, wind, weather forecasting and climate change analysis. He is Meteodyn's Director of Research, Innovation, Service and Expertise department.

Zixiao JIANG
Technical Director
Meteodyn China

Mr JIANG has over 10 years of experience in WRA and related R&D activities. He leads the technical team of Meteodyn China and is committed to improving technical solutions for atmospheric wind flow simulation and providing expertise for the application of WRA tools.

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